Milepost 18
This milepost is one of the six recast as part of the HLF-funded Churnet Valley Living Landscape Partnership project. However, as the location of the post is on private land with no public access since the canal closed in January 1849 it was agreed that the Trust would hold the post in store until such time as the location is publicly accessible once more.
The Trust aims to reinstate a public route from Froghall to Oakamoor, closely following the original canal towpath. This will deviate from the original line of the canal in two places, where it crosses the line of the railway, at Ross Bridge and Jackson's Wood bridge. The reinstated milepost will be situated quite close to Ross Bridge. The route has been walked through by members of the Trust and the Railway and plotted out, but until an appropriate funding opportunity is identified, this project remains on hold.
The post was the first of the six to be cast by James W Shenton Ltd. in Tipton. The photos below show this process and the delivery of the posts.